(Under construction, updated November 9, 2024 )
- Prices do not include VAT or customs fees. Please be aware of your countries import and tax rates.
- All payments must be in Norwegian Kroner.
- I can only accept bank transfers.
- No payment will be required before your commission is ready to be worked on!
- Refunds are issued in the same currency that the customer used to pay for the order, Norwegian Kroner.
- Because currency conversion rate fluctuate, the rate at the time of the payment is often different from the rate at the time of the refund. You can gain or lose money with refunds because of currency conversions.
- Prices do not include VAT or customs fees. Please be aware of your countries import and tax rates.
- All payments must be in Norwegian Kroner.
- I can only accept bank transfers.
- No payment will be required before your commission is ready to be worked on!
- Refunds are issued in the same currency that the customer used to pay for the order, Norwegian Kroner.
- Because currency conversion rate fluctuate, the rate at the time of the payment is often different from the rate at the time of the refund. You can gain or lose money with refunds because of currency conversions.